Belgorod Oblast residents prohibited from visiting the most shelled villages

2024-7-18 09:47

The restrictions mainly affect residents of the Belgorodsky,…

The restrictions mainly affect residents of the Belgorodsky, Shebekinsky, and Grayvoronsky city districts. In late June, residents of the Grayvoronsky District began collecting signatures for a petition to Vladimir Putin and the head of the Ministry of Defense, Andrey Belousov, urging protection from shelling.

Public transport will no longer serve the restricted villages, and security forces will be stationed at checkpoints. Potential visitors must obtain the administration’s permission and be accompanied by military personnel.

Only adult men will be allowed to visit the closed locations, provided they wear body armor and helmets and travel in armored vehicles equipped with electronic warfare systems.

According to official data, since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, over 200 civilians have died in Belgorod Oblast, and another 1,100 have sustained injuries. "7x7" estimates the number of fatalities in the region to be at least 207 and no less than 282 across Russia.

List of war victims in Russian regions


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