Former Vorkuta mayor returns from war in Ukraine, resumes town leadership

2024-7-24 09:37

Yaroslav Shaposhnikov has arrived in Vorkuta after "repaying his debt to the Motherland." He plans to resume his work activities after taking a vacation, seeing his parents, and "simply getting some rest."

On July 23, the Vorkuta City Council held an extraordinary session where deputies unanimously supported Shaposhnikov's reinstatement as mayor.

Yaroslav Shaposhnikov declared his intention to go to war in March 2023, though he actually departed 118 days later. He claimed he stayed in the Republic of Komi at the request of the region's head, Vladimir Uyba. Local deputies wanted Shaposhnikov to retain his position, but the prosecutor's office opposed this decision. Eventually, the Vorkuta City Council placed the mayor's contract on hold during his military service.


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the his shaposhnikov vorkuta mayor