Ivanovo Governor instructed law enforcers to prevent protests on Russia Day

2023-6-3 22:49

Stanislav Voskresensky has given his approval to the decisions made by the regional anti-terrorist commission. These decisions focus on combating potential acts of sabota…

Stanislav Voskresensky has given his approval to the decisions made by the regional anti-terrorist commission. These decisions focus on combating potential acts of sabotage, drone-related threats, and addressing the "non-systemic opposition" during the events commemorating Russia Day from June 10 to 13.

The Federal Security Service (FSB) and the policeВ  will be in charge of controllingВ  the "non-systemic opposition." The primary objective set by the anti-terrorist commission is to prevent the organization and execution of any protest activities.

During the May holidays in Samara, two aides to Communist Party representatives in Duma were detained by the police. Speculation arose that law enforcement officers were aiming to hinder protests on May 9.

In Mari El, local television channels received instructions on how to act in case “their content on air was replaced” during the Victory Day broadcasts. According to the anonymous source who shared the document, the local authorities were apprehensive about a potential incident similar to Marina Ovsyannikova's protest on Channel One. Ovsyannikova held up a poster opposing the war in Ukraine back in March 2022.


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the decisions anti-terrorist commission were during and day