Ryazan residents petition against sex education in schools

2024-2-28 21:35

The petition followed the publication by 'Komsomolskaya Pravda,' which advocated for schoolchildren’s sex ed…

The petition followed the publication by 'Komsomolskaya Pravda,' which advocated for schoolchildren’s sex education as a measure to prevent the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases. The article contained a comment by the main non-staff pediatric gynecologist of the regional Ministry of Health, Anna Fomicheva. She suggested introducing sex education lessons from the 1st grade and teaching preschoolers about human anatomy and personal hygiene.

The petition is addressed to Governor Pavel Malkov and regional government officials. The anonymous author claims that sex education 'fuels teenagers’ interest in sex life.' According to the petitioner, the introduction of such lessons should be considered as indecent assaults committed by a prior conspiracy of a group of people.

The text also mentions unspecified studies on the allegedly increased number of STDs in Europe and the USA after the launch of the sex education program.

The petition has been endorsed by over 2,000 individuals. The region’s governor has not commented on it yet.


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