Tatarstan deputy suggests Friday mobilization of nightclub visitors

2024-4-13 07:07

Eduard Sharafiyev, a member of the Tatarstan State Council, purportedly discussed the idea of Friday mobilization with his commanders. Despite volunteering for war in 2022, he occasionally returns for sessions.

"We should implement this [mobilization]В in nightclubs nationwide on some Friday and deploy those all-night dancers to special military operation zones. Additionally, all restrictions and exemptions, such as those based on medical conditions, should be waived as their health allows them to attend nightclubs,"В Sharafiyev wrote.

The deputy believes another benefit of mobilizing nightclub visitors is that the country won't lose industrial or agricultural workers.

"Of course, it's unlikely such mobilization will happen, but actually why not? Those nightclub dancers often turn a blind eye to what's happening, and this could open their eyes,"В Sharafiyev concluded.

In late March, governmental sources informed journalists at the 'Verstka'В media outlet about preparations for covert mobilization. Authorities aim to utilize reservists and conscripts to replenish the ranks of citizens willing to participate in the war with Ukraine.

On April 3, State Duma deputy Andrey Gurulev claimed that the Russian state 'does not require mobilization.'В According to him, 'the Ministry of Defense freely enlists volunteers.'

Allegedly, there is covert mobilization in Russia. What human rights defenders and a military expert think about it


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