Two women in Tuva died within year after losing their sons in Ukraine

2023-6-15 10:53

Two mothers died in Tuva, both heartbroken by the loss of their sons in the war in Ukraine. The first tragedy struck in June 2022. Funerals for serviceman Vladimir Shabalin and his mother…

Two mothers died in Tuva, both heartbroken by the loss of their sons in the war in Ukraine. The first tragedy struck in June 2022. Funerals for serviceman Vladimir Shabalin and his mother were held on the same day. The mother passed away shortly after receiving the news of her son’s death.

On June 2, 2023, 28-year-old military man Aidash Lopsaney was buried in Kyzyl. He was the only son of his family. Aidash's mother died four days after the funeral.В 

Last September, female residents of Tuva organized a demonstration against the mobilization. They planned to perform traditional round dances and songs in the central square in Kyzyl. The authorities responded by detaining the participants of the flash mob. Subsequently, Vladislav Khovalyg, the head of Tuva, promised to provide the families of each mobilized individual with a live sheep.


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