Unknown people puncture Arkhangelsk activist’s car wheels

2022-7-18 09:51

In addition to the fact that her wheels were punctured, unknown people poured foam installation into the exhaust pipe. Olga Shkolina state on Twitter that she would still…

In addition to the fact that her wheels were punctured, unknown people poured foam installation into the exhaust pipe. Olga Shkolina state on Twitter that she would still consider what is happening in Ukraine to be [special operation].

On March 23, Shkolina was searched in the case of participation in an extremist community, the Anti-Corruption Foundation*. The activist is named in the case as a suspect, she is being under travel restrictions. In early June, she was put on the list of extremists and terrorists. Shkolina supports political prisoners.

Not only the activist was searched at the end of March. Security forces searched SOTA’s journalists Darya Poryadina and Alexander Peskov, social activist Ilya Leshukov, ex-photographer of Navalny's regional headquarters* Ruslan Akhmetshin, and ex-head of the Arkhangelsk headquarters* Elizaveta Bychkova in the case of extremism in Alexei Navalny's structures. Bychkova, like Shkolina, is named in the case as a suspect.

SOTA’s journalists left Russia after the searches. The Investigating Committee opened a criminal case on insulting a representative of authority against Peskov. He called an enforcer, who began mocking Peskov's girlfriend Darya Poryadina, names.


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