In Arkhangelsk Oblast, police detained an activist for a picket of snowmen with posters

2021-1-28 15:40

The police brought the activist to the Yemetsk Police Department, where they tried to draw up an administrative report against her. According to Elena Kalinina, the polic…

The police brought the activist to the Yemetsk Police Department, where they tried to draw up an administrative report against her. According to Elena Kalinina, the police did not destroy the snowmen, but took the posters away and said that they had taken them for linguistic examination. The activist said that they could not choose a possible article of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation to charge her with and released the woman from the department at noon.

“I am not in Arkhangelsk [where the unagreed protests took place]. It is difficult for me to declare my [political] position somehow. The rural population of small localities is not ready [to hold rallies], so I decided [to express my position on what is happening in the country] that way,” Elena Kalinina commented to 7x7.

The activist added that her lawyers had suggested that she appeal in court against her detention and seizure of posters from snowmen. Kalinina has not made a final decision on the issue yet.

On January 24, residents of Kostroma builtВ several snowmen near the fence, surrounding the construction site of a nine-storied building, and attached posters, demanding to stop the site development of the grove, to them.

On the same day, "protesting" snowmen appeared in Yoshkar-Ola. They were handed posters saying, "Peskov said, „There is no palace“ — we do believe him!", "Stop the crazy printer that grinds out anti-popular laws! The State Duma should resign! Those totally approving should be brought to justice!", "Freedom to Nikolai Platoshkin!" (the leader of the Movement for New Socialism is under house imprisonment on charges of riotous statement), "Selling a cleaning cart high, will share it with right people", "And now try to fine us for holding a rally!". Anton Sokolov and Dmitry Mishin, who had built the snowmen, were subpoenaed to the department for combating extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Mari El on January 25 and demanded to give explanations about having built the snowmen.


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the snowmen and for police that her they