Khinshtein promises to cover temporary shelter’s debt after refusal to feed Kursk Oblast refugees
Following complaints from refugees, Acting Governor of Kursk Oblast Alexander Khinshtein visited the temporary shelter at the Ol… »
Refugees - Последние новости | |
Following complaints from refugees, Acting Governor of Kursk Oblast Alexander Khinshtein visited the temporary shelter at the Ol… »
Palestinian refugees in Chechnya will be hired by ChechenAut… »
Refugees from North Africa and the Middle East were seen queuing at the Wärtsilä-Niirala border crossing between Finland and Russia. Residents of Karelia »
Chelyabinsk Oblast Governor Aleksei Teksler's directive outlines the placement of Pal… »
In late November, 150 refugees from Gaza are expected to arrive in the Republic of Dagestan. Local entrepreneurs are already contacting authorities, offering assistance in providing cloth… »