Palestinian refugees were placed in a Chelyabinsk settlement with a week-long water supply disruption

2023-12-16 07:18

Chelyabinsk Oblast Governor Aleksei Teksler's directive outlines the placement of Pal…

Chelyabinsk Oblast Governor Aleksei Teksler's directive outlines the placement of Palestinian refugees to eight locations, including three in Chelyabinsk, two in Miass, and one each in Magnitogorsk, Zlatoust, and the Kashtak settlement.

According to the blogger Valentina Volkova, Kashtak has been without water since December 7, likely due to a breakdown in the utility network, struggling to cope with the pressure caused by the addition of a housing complex built over the past few years to the existing water system.

To address the water shortage, authorities are delivering drinkable water in tanks, with locals enduring long queues in the cold to obtain their share.В 

Following Russia's backing of Palestine in its military conflict with Israel, various regions have reported the arrival of Palestinian refugees. In December, Dagestan welcomed 150 Palestinians, with assurances from the regional head Sergei Melikov for them to embark on a 'new life.’ Some locals even offered to adopt Palestinian orphans.

Chechnya and Bashkortostan have each accommodated 250 refugees.


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