Buynaksk cancels Russia Day celebrations and closes kindergartens due to contaminated drinking water

2024-6-15 10:04

A state of high alert was declared in Buynaksk, Republic of Dagestan, on June 12, leading to the cancellation of Russia Day festivities. The …

A state of high alert was declared in Buynaksk, Republic of Dagestan, on June 12, leading to the cancellation of Russia Day festivities. The Town Hall cited a severe epidemiological situation with acute intestinal infections as the reason for this measure. All preschool educational institutions and summer camps have ceased operations.

As of June 12, around 100 individuals remained in hospitals, according to the Dagestan Ministry of Health. Sixty-four patients have been discharged. The administration of Buynaksk urged residents to "avoid self-medication to prevent severe consequences"В and to seek medical attention instead. Additional hospital beds have been set up in the town for this purpose.

Despite organized deliveries, residents are complaining about a shortage of drinking water. They assert that bottled water in local shops runs out quickly and that tap water still smells of sewage. The Town Hall reported that the tap water has been chlorinated and called on car owners to help with water deliveries.

Water tests conducted on June 11 revealed the presence of dysentery, rotaviruses, and noroviruses. The Investigative Committee has initiated a case regarding the provision of unsafe services. Law enforcement has not yet disclosed the names of those responsible for the incident.


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the water and june buynaksk town that dagestan


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