Mayor of town in Dagestan resigns after residents’ mass poisoning with drinking water

2024-6-29 08:42

Islamudin Nurgudayev resigned as the mayor …

Islamudin Nurgudayev resigned as the mayor of Buynaksk after seven years of service, reported Telegram channels from Dagestan. His farewell message was shared online by the town's administration.

Three weeks ago, residents of Buynaksk began seeking medical assistance for acute intestinal infections. Over 100 individuals were hospitalized after drinking tap water contaminated with wastewater.

On June 12, the town declared a state of high alert. Authorities closed kindergartens and canceled Russia Day celebrations. Water tests revealed the presence of dysentery, rotaviruses, and noroviruses. Subsequently, the town ran out of bottled water.

The Investigative Committee initiated a case regarding the provision of unsafe services against the employees of the local water utility company. Residents of Buynaksk urged the resignation of the town's leadership in the online public group.

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the water town after mayor buynaksk and residents


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