Sverdlovsk Oblast factory workers to undergo PCR tests ahead of Putin’s visit

2024-2-14 09:10

In January, Telegram channels spread information about the possible visit of Vladimir Putin to Sverdlovsk Oblast in late F…

In January, Telegram channels spread information about the possible visit of Vladimir Putin to Sverdlovsk Oblast in late February or March. Following the news, employees of the 'Uralvagonzavod'В plant, producing military hardware, were required to undergo PCR tests.

"The tests are for those who will be on shifts on the day of the president’s visit. Everyone was also warned that employees would be asked not to leave their workplaces for security reasons," shared a plant worker with URA.RU.

Previously, a message appeared on the plant’s online group, stating that patriotism is the main motivation for 'Uralvagonzavod' workers. Over the past month, they doubled their 'production rates.'

Presidential elections in Russia are scheduled for March 2024. The current leader, Vladimir Putin, who will be running for his 5th term, started his pre-election campaign with a visit to a plant in Arkhangelsk Oblast. Some workers were sent home, while others were asked to draw the curtains and avoid approaching the windows.

Kaliningrad residents complained about officials and the 'depressive state' of the city ahead of Putin’s arrival; however, their grievances were not addressed.


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