Authorities in an Altai village won't allow a rally against the head doctor of a hospital  where a 7-year-old died 

2023-2-14 10:15

Residents of Volchikha in the Altai region demand the resignation of Tatyana Kharlova, head doctor of the Central District Hospital. The action was planned for February 1…

Residents of Volchikha in the Altai region demand the resignation of Tatyana Kharlova, head doctor of the Central District Hospital. The action was planned for February 19. The district authorities did not allow the rally, claiming that it would interfere with sports competitions that are scheduled for the same day. The protestors are still trying to get the rally approved.

On February 10, a demand signed by more than 2.5 thousand people was filed with the government of Altai Krai, the prosecutor's office, and the Investigative Committee. The people claim that urgent action is needed at the Central District Hospital. On January 28, a 7-year-old boy died there of laryngeal stenosis. According to the residents of Volchysha, this happened because that night there was no doctor on duty. They believe the child could have been saved.

On January 29, Volchikha residents held a meeting and began collecting signatures for the dismissal of the head doctor.

"In the intensive care unit, there are only anesthetic drugs, nothing else. The equipment is long outdated, there is no supply of oxygen. On the paper, we have everything in the hospital and a bunch of doctors, but in practice, there is nobody and nothing," the "Incident Barnaul" group quotes a local resident.

There are "no doctors left" in the village, for the entire district there is one pediatrician, one physician, and one dentist, and one “can only dream" about an otolaryngologist or a surgeon. The locals believe that many specialists had quit because they "could not get along" with the head doctor.


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