In the historical quarter of Petrozavodsk a pre-war building, restored by activists, was damaged by a fire

2021-8-17 11:21

According to Vasily Kalyuta, the fire took place on August 9. The activist reported this on social networks a few days after the incident. He admitted that h…

According to Vasily Kalyuta, the fire took place on August 9. The activist reported this on social networks a few days after the incident. He admitted that he did not know how to express emotions, he was very upset about the situation occurred.

The activist told «7õ7» that he applied to the police with a statement to open a criminal case, as he believes that the shed was set on fire. However, law enforcement officers didn’t arrive at the place still.

— In my opinion, the first floor was set on fire and the flame spread to the entire stone structure. A lot of personal property was burned. Now there is only one thing left — to restore the stone structure without the second [wooden] floor. The police behaved disgustingly. My family phoned them for a long time. The police haven’t arrived still. After the fire there appeared marauders, — said Kalyuta.

The resident of Petrozavodsk plans to use the help of volunteers in the restoration of the building, but now he is searching for specialists in restoration of historical objects who can give a consultation.

In the spring of 2019 the administration of the city decided to demolish stone sheds built in the 1930-s in the historic quarter of Petrozavodsk. A resident of the Zarek Vasily Kalyuta staged a recumbent picket when he learned about the plans of the mayor’s office. He began to restore the sheds together with his son.

As a result, the building was preserved, and in 2020 the historic quarter in Zarek was included in the list of identified cultural heritage sites.


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