Kurgan Oblast introduces fines for "encouraging abortions"
The Kurgan Oblast Duma passed the law on "protecting pregnant women from being inclined toward artificial pregnancy termination" in two readings.
The fines range fr… 7x7-journal.ru »
Fines - Последние новости | |
The Kurgan Oblast Duma passed the law on "protecting pregnant women from being inclined toward artificial pregnancy termination" in two readings.
The fines range fr… 7x7-journal.ru »
Law enforcement authorities visited the former city councilor, Dmitry Petrovsky, and initiated an investigation into a possible violation of mass event regulations. The i… 7x7-journal.ru »
МОСКВА, 14 ноября, ФедералПресс. Скандальную блогершу из Пензы Юлю Финес, бегавшую по Москве с ножом и угрожающую прохожим убийством, отправили под домашний арест на 2 месяца. Об этом сообщила глава Лиги безопасного интернета Екатерина Мизулина. fedpress.ru »
The courts imposed five fines of 40 thousand rubles each on Elena Shukaeva. The journalist tried to appeal the decisions of the courts, but the appeal upheld them.
Elena Shukaeva … 7x7-journal.ru »