Legal case against mobilized soldier from Bashkortostan, brought back home by his mother, has been closed

2024-1-23 20:24

Investigators found no corpus delicti in the actions of Anton Yakovlev, accused of deserting his military unit. Irina Yakovleva, the soldier’s moth…

Investigators found no corpus delicti in the actions of Anton Yakovlev, accused of deserting his military unit. Irina Yakovleva, the soldier’s mother, explained that this outcome was possible because Anton serves as the sole caregiver for his brother, who was involved in a car accident shortly after the start of the mobilization. Irina herself is unable to apply for guardianship due to her health issues, which include diabetes and heart disease.

Anton Yakovlev is already at home, awaiting official dismissal.В 

In September 2022, Irina Yakovleva's younger son, Anton, was mobilized. Two weeks later, her elder son, Konstantin, was involved in a car accident and fell into a coma. Irina successfully obtained vacation approval from the Ministry of Defense for Anton. When Anton returned home in December, his brother had already emerged from the coma. However, Konstantin still required assistance and a legal guardian.

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A year later, the family gathered all the necessary documents for Anton to become Konstantin’s guardian and submitted them to the military enlistment office. Shortly afterward, they received a visit from representatives of the Ministry of Defense. Anton Yakovlev faced criminal charges and was subsequently sent back to the military unit.


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