The mayor of Vladimir has been given a salary raise. Prior to that, he received an official warning from the Prosecutor General’s Office for poor street cleaning.

2023-1-28 13:17

Vladimir City Council, dominated by United Russia party members, has increased the salary of Mayor Dmitry Naumov from 37 to 45.3 thousand rubles ($640) a month.


Vladimir City Council, dominated by United Russia party members, has increased theВ salary of Mayor Dmitry Naumov from 37 to 45.3 thousand rubles ($640) a month.

“Chesnok" media points out that the mayor’s income consists of a salary, a monthly cash bonus, a bonus for access to state secrets, quarterly and annual bonuses (one and two salaries) and vacation pay (three salaries). According to their calculations, now Naumov's earnings, considering the system of perks and compensations should grow by 600 thousand rubles.

Naumov has been in the office for only two months. During that period, he was strongly criticized for poorly organized street cleaning from snow. For example, to honor Vladimir Lenin’s memory a group of communists had to cut through an uncleared path with an axe to get to his monument. As a result, the prosecutor's office issued a warning to Naumov.

In Ryazan region, an official had raised her own salary without approval from the councilВ of representatives. In 2021, Irina Kopylova, head of Zaboryevskoye ruralВ settlement, increased her salary from 16 thousand rubles to 33 thousand rublesВ ($460) a month. A representative from "Yabloko" party filed aВ complaint with the police for embezzlement of property committed with the useВ of an official position.


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