A woman from Udmurtia to be prosecuted after complaining to Putin about a bad road

2023-4-2 22:33

The residents of Votkinsk appealed to Vladimir Putin expressing their concerns about Sovkhoznaya Street. Cabs refuse to travel on the road due to its poor condition, ther…

The residents of Votkinsk appealed to Vladimir Putin expressing their concerns about Sovkhoznaya Street. Cabs refuse to travel on the road due to its poor condition, there are no sidewalks, and large potholes and puddles make it difficult for schoolchildren to come back home without getting wet and muddy.

However, after activist Nina Krivoshchekova shared a video about the poor road conditions, she was visited by police officers who accused her of having a "political agenda." They attempted to bring her in for questioning at the police station, but she refused to go. One of the officers then threatened to sue her if she posted a recording of their conversation on the internet.

Subsequently, the Vot Tak publication reported that Krivoshchekova would be charged with violating the rules for public events. The police claim that a road qualifies as a public place.

Typically, it is law enforcement agencies rather than officials who respond to requests for assistance from the public. For instance, the police showed up after an action when Bashkir activists wore gas masks and ran with a sign that read "For Putin! For Clean Air!" In another incident, an individual who had filed a petition against Volgograd to be renamed Stalingrad was fined for discrediting the army.



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