Principals of two schools in Irkutsk Oblast fired over district head’s election results

2024-10-18 22:36

Residents of Zamzor and Atagay in the Nizhneudinsky District…

Residents of Zamzor and Atagay in the Nizhneudinsky District launched petitions calling for an investigation into the legality of the principals’ dismissals.

The petition supporting Tatiana Shandaleva received 550 signatures, while the one for Anna Agapova garnered over 400. Zamzor has around 1,000 residents, and Atagay approximately 1,300.

Local residents believe the dismissals are linked to the results of the recent district head election, which was won by Anatoly Krupenev of the ruling United Russia party. Krupenev came first at the Zamzor polling station, but turnout was low, and he received only 60 votes. At the polling station where Agapova served as the commission’s secretary, he finished last.


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the district and zamzor residents atagay