Wagner PMC member who beat pregnant Yakutia resident, causing her miscarriage, returns to war

2024-6-21 21:07

The 'You are not alone, Yakutia is with you' project reported on June 20 that the Wagner PMC mem…

The 'You are not alone, Yakutia is with you' project reported on June 20 that the Wagner PMC member accused of brutally beating the woman left the pre-trial detention center and went to the war zone in Ukraine. He was arrested on robbery charges, which allegedly occurred around the same time as the assault on the woman.

Project representatives informed '7x7' that the man was detained at the end of 2023 but has not yet been named a suspect in the assault case.

"The authorities are 'silencing' the girl by stating that once the expert results are in, he will be designated as a suspect, allowing her to seek compensation for moral damages, to be paid from his earnings from the special military operation," explained project members.

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The Yakutia resident sought assistance from human rights defenders after losing her child in late pregnancy at the end of 2023. Following the assault, doctors diagnosed her with head trauma, a fractured rib, broken fingers, and multiple cuts and bruises.

Initially, the police refused to open a case; however, with community support, the young woman filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office regarding law enforcement inaction, prompting a reconsideration. Subsequently, a case of intentionally causing moderate bodily harm (Article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) was initiated.

According to the 'You are not alone, Yakutia is with you' project, the man is a former convict released after serving with the Wagner PMC. It has not been disclosed how he managed to return to Ukraine.


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