Female official detained for throwing three Molotov cocktails at military registration and enlistment office in Vladimir region

2023-6-8 08:15

Zhanna Romanovskaya threw three Molotov cocktails into the building of the military registration and enlistment office in the Leninsky district. The gates of the office c…

Zhanna Romanovskaya threw three Molotov cocktails into the building of the military registration and enlistment office in the Leninsky district. The gates of the office caught fire but were extinguished by the police who also detained the woman. Law enforcers found a five-liter canister and rags in her possession.

Romanovskaya, 55, is head of the finance department in the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Vladimir region.В 

Previously, several acts of arson at military registration and enlistment offices in Russia have been punished with prison terms. Ilya Faber, a former teacher from rural Udmurtia, was sentenced to three years and two months in prison for throwing a Molotov cocktail at an enlistment office, claiming he wanted to "see what he could do."В 

A retired woman was detained with a Molotov cocktail near a military registration office in Komi. In the Tyumen region, a 15-year-old high school student attempted to set fire to a military registration office. He was detained by the police and subsequently sent to a psycho-neurological hospital by the court.


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the office and military registration molotov enlistment detained

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Office of the Director of National Intelligence (США): национальная контрразведывательная стратегия Соединенных Штатов Америки на 2020 2022 годы

Занимательная логика США: «защита от иностранного влияния, и… сохранение нашей открытости»; противниками Америки являются Китай и Россия, действующие в глобальном масштабе, а другими соперниками - Куба, Иран и Северная Корея. oko-planet.su »

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