Karelian lyceum’s teacher makes a child in a sweater with the US flag sit with his back to the blackboard for the whole lesson

2022-11-18 10:23

The student's father

The student's father wrote in the same community that there were numbers with the American flag on the front of the sweater. According to the resident of Kostomuksha, the clothes were bought before the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine. He said that his "son had not conducted agitation among the lyceum students, had not brought any attributes that contradicted the patriotism of our country." He is going to discuss it with the school management.

In the comments, the residents of Kostomuksha were divided: some agree with the father and judged the teacher, others support the teacher and believe that "parents should watch how lookВ their children."

The Ombudsman of Karelia called the teacher's act "psychological violence". Gennady Saraev told the MK in Karelia Media Outlet that every child has the right to individuality (Article 8 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child). According to him, the attempt to restrict this right is illegal. The Ombudsman reported that the student had not violated the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the teacher had neglected professional ethics.

In Tyumen, an 11-year-old child had been called "a Ukie and a fascist" by other children for wearing a blue-yellow Olympian. According to the boy's mother, he was bullied. When she approached them to talk and resolve the conflict, "the children began to say that their parents had forbidden them to be friends and communicate with Ukrainians."


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