Man charged with attempt to murder Prilepin sentenced to life imprisonment

2024-10-2 12:02

Alexander Permyakov was charged with receiving terrorist training (Article 205.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), committing a terrorist act (Article 205), illegal possession of weapons (Article 222), document forgery (Article 327), and manufacturing and possessing explosives (Articles 223.1 and 222.1).

During the investigation, Permyakov claimed he intended to kill Zakhar Prilepin "out of revenge" for the writer’s support of the war in Ukraine. His actions were allegedly coordinated by an agent of the Security Service of Ukraine.

In May 2023, Prilepin’s car was blown up by an anti-tank mine buried in the ground. The writer sustained an injury, a pulmonary contusion, and multiple fractures and bruises, while his driver was killed in the attack.


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