A businessman from Komi had recovered 1.5 million rubles from the state as compensation for the services of a lawyer during the criminal prosecution

2021-3-5 14:34

In 2018, the former general director of "IT HELP", Yuri Polivenko, was

In 2018, the former general director of "IT HELP", Yuri Polivenko, was sentenced to four years in prison for fraud. However, a year later, the Komi Supreme Court overturned the verdict and recognized his right to rehabilitation. The businessman spent almost 1.5 million rubles on legal services.

- All the sums that he stated, everything was recovered, plus compensation for inflation. The amount is almost one and a half million. Apparently, no one will appeal based on the position of the prosecutor's office and the Federal Treasury. They have ten days. The next stage is the recovery of compensation for moral damage, - Polivenko's representative Marina Istikhovskaya explained to the «7x7» correspondent.

She said that in the fall of 2020, Polivenko demanded compensation for moral damage of 3 thousand rubles for a long release: after the court's decision, he was illegally kept in the pre-trial detention center for another eight hours, until the order, certified by the seal, arrived at the pre-trial detention center. The Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) appealed against the claim, which was transferred to the Third Сourt of Cassation of general jurisdiction.

In March 2020, Yuri Polivenko complained to Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov that the Komi Prosecutor did not apologize to him for the illegal prosecution and did not publish information about his rehabilitation on the prosecutor's website.

In 2010, the Government of Komi approved a plan of action for the development of the information community and the formation of electronic government for 2011-2013. The state institution of Komi "Center of Information Technologies" (CIT) started working on this. In the same year, the institution was allocated a subsidy for the formation of a regional infrastructure for e-government and the automation of state and municipal services. CIT contracted with CJSC "ARMADA SOFT", but the designed system could not work normally due to shortcomings and remarks.

The head of the Communications and Informatization Committee of Komi, Alexander Selyutin, instructed the head of the CIT to ensure the handover and payment for work with  "IT HELP", controlled by Yuri Polivenko and Alexander Novoselov. The prosecutor's office estimated the damage to the republican budget by the implementation of this contract as 4.2 million rubles.

The investigation believed that Selyutin, Novoselov and Polivenko stole about 5.8 million rubles, which were allocated for the development of the automated personnel accounting system for civil servants of the Komi Republic (ASKUG). It was developed by the "Center of Information and Analytical Systems'' company controlled by Novoselov. According to the investigation, the cost of work under the contracts was deliberately overstated.

In October 2019, the Komi Supreme Court changed the sentence of the convicted men and re-qualified the crime of the ex-head of the Committee for Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alexander Selyutin and the head of the IT company Alexander Novoselov from large scale fraud to abuse of authority. The term of detention was included in the term of serving, so they were released in court. The court of appeal acquitted Yuri Polivenko and canceled the penalty of 4.2 million rubles from the convicted men. All of the men were recognized as having the right to rehabilitation.


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