In Karelia, anti-war Telegram channel’s administrator is detained on a criminal charge

2022-9-20 21:05

Sergei Drugov, the administrator of the Chyorny Fevral anti-war Telegram channel, was issued two criminal cases and detained. Drugov wrote an acknowledgement of guilt, "so that they would leave him alone." According to him, he published a post about Feminists Against War’s rally with the phrase "Besieged Mariupol", which fell under the article on fakes about the army. In addition, the activist photographed an anti-war slogan with a Z in the shape of a swastika, and the security forces equated it to the rehabilitation of Nazism.

As Sergei Drugov’s acquaintances told 7x7, on the night of September 19, the activist tried to leave Petrozavodsk, but was detained by the police. Together with Drugov, the police detained his acquaintance, brought her to the FSB, interviewed her as a witness, and "tried to bully her" for helping Sergei. After that, she was released, and the activist stayed in the police department. He is not getting in touch.

The article he was charged with is unknown. Performance artist Katrin Nenasheva reported on Facebook that one of the cases was initiated under an article about the desecration of symbols of military glory. The regional FSB informed 7x7’s journalist that there had been no information about the cases yet. And the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Karelia did not respond to calls promptly. On September 17, Drugov was searched and signed a subscription to appear for questioning.

Sergei Drugov wrote texts about psychology and psychiatry, was the author of The Village and Takie Dela. His Telegram channel, Chyorny Fevral, is dedicated to political prisoners and defendants in cases of fakes about the army and discrediting the army.

On September 16, the channel's team announced that it would not release news for two days due to "very unusual circumstances in the organizers’ life, which will be discussed later." On September 19, the channel's authors confirmed Drugov's detention.


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