2024-8-30 09:24 |
The original post about the conscripts appeared on Telegram and cited journalist Alexey Mashkevich, whose son took the military oath in Kostroma and was subsequently sent…
The original post about the conscripts appeared on Telegram and cited journalist Alexey Mashkevich, whose son took the military oath in Kostroma and was subsequently sent to Kursk Oblast, part of which is controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).
The channel’s authors told "7x7" that their post was also shared in a VKontakte group with the same name. However, the social network labeled it as "deliberately false information of public significance, which received a direct rebuttal from experts" and removed it. VKontakte did not specify who had evaluated and refuted the information.
The media outlet Important StoriesВ identified 129 conscripts who may have participated in the fighting in Kursk Oblast. Forty-five of them were captured, and 84 went missing.
On August 24, Russia and Ukraine conducted an exchange of war prisoners, during which 115 conscripts returned to Russia.
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