A school principal in Volgograd called a provocation a screenshot where children are learning how to handle firearms

2023-2-28 21:36

The post on the page of the Russian classical school in Volgograd on February 22 says that children were taught to hold firearms and aim at the enemy in preparation for Lent. Children als…

The post on the page of the Russian classical school in Volgograd on February 22 says that children were taught to hold firearms and aim at the enemy in preparation for Lent. Children also enjoyed traditional pancakes and sang Cossack songs.

Responding to a 7x7 correspondent’s question principal Evgeny Kovalev said that the gun was a dummy and promised to investigate "who did the photoshop." Kovalyov also threatened to "check" the journalist’s social network page. After that, the school's online community was shut down.

Screenshot by a 7x7 reader

Anastasia Sokolova, a local resident, who expressed her anger with the firearms class in the comments to the post, confirms its authenticity. According to Sokolova, she has already been removed from the school’s online community.

The school is a commercial institution where only children from Orthodox Christian families are accepted. Its public pages say that the study "includes participation in sacraments.”

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Russian schools and kindergartens started propaganda classes called "Conversations about important things." Children are taught about Russia's “special path” and the importance of the so-called "special military operation.” In open classes, also introduced last fall, Yunarmiya (a military-patriotic movement for children and youth) representatives, veterans, and border guards teach children how to handle firearms, shoot and march.

Classes with weapons have been reported also in the Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Bryansk, and Nizhny Novgorod regions.



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