2020-5-14 16:34 |
Belova said she had been detained for two days back on May 13 and the activist had spent the night in the temporary holding facility. Seleznyova added that the suspect was being questione…
Belova said she had been detained for two days back on May 13 and the activist had spent the night in the temporary holding facility. Seleznyova added that the suspect was being questioned again at the moment and after that, the investigator could go to court with an intercession to select a measure of restraint for her.
The reason toВ cause proceedings against Belova was her comment "Let them bear responsibility for sugar, too" on vk.com on October 31, 2018, after the explosion in the FSB office ofВ Arkhangelsk Oblast.
4:08PM update: Nadezhda Belova was released from the temporary holding facility on her own recognizance after being questioned,В She confirmed that she had left a comment about "sugar", but claimed she had not justified terrorism.
The next questioning in the case is scheduled for May 15.
The activist was questioned for the first time at the end of March 2020, but was released as a witness. Then investigators questioned her minor son without the presence of his parents and later — her civil husband Sergei Seliverstov as a witness in the case. In addition, the family’s electronic equipment was seized.
There has been an Internet-meme about "Ryazan sugar" since the zero years which is based on a conspiracy theory about the involvement of the FSB in the bombings in Moscow and Volgodonsk. Some journalists believe that security officials allegedly left bags of hexogen and detonators in a house'sВ basement in Ryazan, and later the contents of the bags were called "sugar". There is an articleВ ofВ Novaya Gazeta about this case.
On October 31, 2018, anarcho-сommunist Mikhail Zhlobitsky from Arkhangelsk came to the admission room of the local FSB office and detonated an improvised bomb. Security forces tracked the reaction to the incident in social networks and media across the country;В according to human rights activists, investigators conducted about 100 searches in different regions seeking outВ the lone terrorist’s accomplices. AВ photographer fromВ SamaraВ was hospitalized with a head injury after being questioned by the FSB about the explosion. A Karelian anarchist was fined in the case of justifying terrorism for calling the terrorist a "hero", and Svetlana Prokopeva, a journalist from Pskov, is being prosecuted after a radio broadcast about the terrorist attack. Blogger Ivan Lyubshin from Kaluga was put in jail for five years for an approving comment about Zhlobitsky.
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