2021-3-19 18:07 |
All adult Russians can participate in the contest. To do this, one needs to read the detailed terms and conditions,…
All adult Russians can participate in the contest. To do this, one needs to read the detailed terms and conditions, fill out a form, log in to the Ecowiki.ru portal, and from April 8 to June 15, plant a forest on a land that has been affected by fires, icy rains, insect pests, and other disasters.
On June 30, the jury will select six winners. They will get a money reward from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.
"In Russia, forest areas are shrinking every year, including due to climate change. To make a difference, it is important not only to talk about the problem, but also to involve as many people as possible in its solution. The contest of the project �Plant a Forest’ serves just this purpose. We want, on the one hand, to support experienced planting organizers in their difficult gratuitous work, and on the other hand, to help caring newcomers join reforestation, providing proven instructions and the opportunity to get a reward for a well-done job," commented Elena Gorokhova, director of the EKA Movement.
The EKA Movement is an interregional environmental community organization that has been attracting people's attention to the topic of environmental friendliness since 2010. One of its projects — Plant a Forest - has been operating since 2015. Since then, the movement's volunteers have planted more than 960 thousand trees in 27 regions of Russia. The activists intend to plant a millionth anniversary tree in the spring of 2021. The planting reports are available here.
In October 2018, the organization held the All-Russian Lesomaniya (�forest mania’) Quest among educational institutions in Karelia. Participating teams of students had to complete 12 tasks, including learning how to choose products made of wood obtained through responsible use of forest, giving waste paper for recycling, creating social advertising about saving forests, greening the university territory, organizing tree planting, conducting an eco-lesson for schoolchildren, and others. And in November 2018, the organization held the 100 Thousand New Christmas Trees for the Country Campaign. The activists suggested the residents of Karelia giving their friends and relatives certificates of contribution to the reforestation as a present for the New Year. By September 1, the movement announced the Forest Instead of a Bouquet Campaign for the restoration and preservation of forests.
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