The Bumaga and 7x7 Media Outlets launch a study of audience’s attitude to foreign agent media

2021-9-9 15:44

The organizers of the study said that it was important for them to find out how labeling a media outlet as a foreign agent affected the attitude of readers. The questionnaire asks who can…

The organizers of the study said that it was important for them to find out how labeling a media outlet as a foreign agent affected the attitude of readers. The questionnaire asks who can be granted the status, which authority grants it, whether, in the reader's opinion, such a law affects civil society in Russia and whether the state needs to label organizations and mass media asВ foreign agents.

According to the organizers, filling out the questionnaire will take no more than five minutes. You can participate in the studyВ here.

On September 8, more than 40 independent mediaВ outletsВ started an action in support of foreign agent media. During the day, media representatives accompanied materials on their websites and posts in social networks with text boxes similar to those that media outlets and journalists who have been granted this status are forced to use.

The media community opposed the law on foreign agents, which, in their opinion, hinders the legitimate work of journalists. They demanded its repeal.


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