The first regional foreign agent media outlet will appeal its status

2022-9-6 09:31

On September 2, the Ministry of Justice added the LLC Novost…

On September 2, the Ministry of Justice added the LLC Novosti’s (‘news’) legal entity, which owns the website of the TVK TV Channel (Krasnoyarsk), to the list of foreign agents. The media outlet’s management has not yet received any explanations of its status. TVK considers its inclusion in the register illegal and will appeal it in court.

"We did not receive foreign funding. Until that time, we are going to comply with all the necessary requirements of the legislation," TVK’s statement says.

They now mark publications on the website with a foreign agent's text box, but news in social networks are released without it.

The Ministry of Justice had not declared regional media as foreign agents. However, the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) regularly blocks independent media because of other people's denunciations.

Authorities from different regions of Russia complain about journalists and social activists because of their statements about the war. In May, deputies of Belgorod asked the prosecutor's office to close the local Fonar.TV ('lantern') Media Outlet because of the possible publication of fakes about the events in Ukraine. Here are other regional media that have been blocked for this reason.


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2017-10-09 16:08


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2016-11-28 10:40


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2016-09-05 19:00