Меган Маркл по видеосвязи научила, как вести себя на собеседовании
Герцгогиня Сассекская поговорила с обычной британской девушкой metronews.ru »
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Герцгогиня Сассекская поговорила с обычной британской девушкой metronews.ru »
If you have a family then it becomes almost imperative that you earn money. Earning money in today’s world is very important not only to survive the current situation but also to provide some form of luxury as well. informvest.net »
Певица прокомментировала случившееся в соцсети metronews.ru »
Звезда опубликовала ролик и высказалась metronews.ru »
"21 rubles are not an indexation, but a joke"
The pickets were connected with… 7x7-journal.ru »
Звезда отмечает день рождения metronews.ru »
Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to press secretary Dmitry Peskov, is aware of the wave of support for the defendants. The Kremlin takes publi… 7x7-journal.ru »
Kamenny Bor is considered to be the "lungs of the neighborhood": it is located next to the town's stone quarry. SU-149 LLC started cutting down trees around the park to buil… 7x7-journal.ru »
According to Svetlana Babenko, Beness Aijo was taken to the police station in the village of Yarensk in the evening of February 11 and his phone was take… 7x7-journal.ru »
In June 2019, Russian Railways stopped 7x7-journal.ru »
В Сети нашли двойника Меган Маркл: Девушке льстит сходство с королевской особой metronews.ru »
Lawyer Denis Fyodorov worked with the Shield and Sword Human Rights Organization in 2007 and came to the village of Ibresi in Chuvashia to check a report about the tortur… 7x7-journal.ru »
According to the authors' estimation, there were five interferences to the work of media, one shutdown (unplanned Internet disconn… 7x7-journal.ru »
Yulia Zaitseva, who runs a charity shop, started the center. She told 7x7 that she was motivated by a desire to help those in need in a more targeted way:
After the court session, Alexander Mironov and his lawyer Ernest Mezak stated that they would appeal the decision to the European Court of Human Rights. … 7x7-journal.ru »
According to the information posted in the community, volunteers are going to print and paste up leaflets, participate in pickets against the waste reclamation plant construction, an… 7x7-journal.ru »
Eco-activists of Arkhangelsk decided to collect applications from candidates until January 31. The initiators demanded that the future candidate meet the requirements of the law and share… 7x7-journal.ru »
Feminist's leaflets said: "We need a working law that protects from domestic violence, that is applied in keeping with its spirit, not the letter! No abuse!", "Think ab… 7x7-journal.ru »
On January 15, a settlement agreement to replace the hoist mechanism in the entrance of the building No. 6 site 2 on Sheremetyevskaya street was accepted in the Moscow District Court… 7x7-journal.ru »
Sirotkin held the picket with a poster on one side of which was the inscription: "Protect the Constitution from arbitrary rule", on the other - "Thank you President f… 7x7-journal.ru »
The Prosecutor's office demanded a fine of 180 thousand rubles for Alexey Veresov - he had pleaded guilty and agreed to a special procedure, without considering the e… 7x7-journal.ru »
The ECHR recognized 77 refusals to negotiate LGBT prides the violation of the rights of LGBT activists to freedom to gather. Including applications for actions in Kostroma and the region,… 7x7-journal.ru »
Американская певица Мадонна вновь отменила концерт в США в поддержку студийного альбома Madame X. Причиной этого стали сильнейшие боли. В настоящее время европейская часть турне, которая стартует в Португалии 12 января, остается под вопросом. vesti.ru »
In Glazov, about 40 people - doctors and patients - held the picket near the Russia Cultural Center, said Ale… 7x7-journal.ru »
Alex Kles filled out an application for the award in the nomination "Active Citizen", but was sure that the application of the LGBT activist would not be consid… 7x7-journal.ru »
The idea of the carnival was developed by the Whiskers, Paws and Tail Foundation in cooperation w… 7x7-journal.ru »
According to the Deystvie Trade Union, representatives of the Ministry of Health also promised to increase the number of mobile emergency teams from 19 to 28 - this figure correspon… 7x7-journal.ru »
The record of the last action was published in the local community on vk.com. It gained more than 10 thousand views and more than 200 com… 7x7-journal.ru »
Activists came to the building of the regional government with posters depicting Russian President Vladimir Putin, Governor of Arkhangelsk Oblast Igor Orlov 7x7-journal.ru »
Королева бурлеска показала новый образ metronews.ru »
The authors used the assumption that the protests against the landfill were initiated by creator of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg and by Swedish schoolgirl and eco-activist 7x7-journal.ru »
Институт цвета Pantone с 2000 года определяет главный цвет года. aif.ru »
Американская модель Тайра Бэнкс отмечает день рождения. Ей исполнилось 46 лет metronews.ru »
In March 2006, Alexei Konakov, a resident of Yoshkar-Ola, was detained by the staff of the (now abolished) office of the Federal Drug Control Service in Mari El. The vict… 7x7-journal.ru »
Пользователи социальных сетей высмеяли варианты логотипа для будущих американских Военно-космических войск . Эмблемы представила команда президента США Дональда Трампа и предложила желающим отдать свой голос за понравившийся вариант. tvzvezda.ru »
Животное надеялось, что морж мертв и им можно будет накормить медвежонка, но когда она тронула его лапой, оказалось, что добыча жива. Обычно белые медведи способны убить моржа, и часто охотятся на них. tvzvezda.ru »
Американский киноактер и рестлер Дуэйн «Скала» Джонсон опубликовал в своем Instagram видео, где он представлен в виде редкого покемона – Поке-Скалы (Poke-Rock). Об этом во вторник пишет «Лента. nsn.fm »